Factory is given against defect due the faulty material or workmanship for a FIVE YEAR period after the date of purchase. Warranty covers those uses within the limits and functions cleared defined and described in the NAUTOS Sailing Hardware catalogue.
Nautos warranty is reduce in the following cases :
Winches , 4 year warranty
Nautos Sailing Hardware warranty does not cover :
product damage by negligence , lack of maintenance or improper installation.
The owner will return the part freight pre paid to a Nautos Usa or direct to Nautos Factory. The defective part will be repaired or replaced.
NAUTOS SAILING HARDWARE , the best warranty for the best quality.
Nautos warranty is reduce in the following cases :
Winches , 4 year warranty
Nautos Sailing Hardware warranty does not cover :
product damage by negligence , lack of maintenance or improper installation.
The owner will return the part freight pre paid to a Nautos Usa or direct to Nautos Factory. The defective part will be repaired or replaced.
NAUTOS SAILING HARDWARE , the best warranty for the best quality.
Do not use Nautos equipment for human suspension.
- Juan Vallmitjana