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Tell Tails - Shroud mounting - 4 tales - 2 Tales for light wind ( red) and 2 for regular wind.Light design, the nylon washer allow the ribbon to rotate 360 degrees.Nylon ribbon- Easy to mount.Lightweight, ripstop nylon Air-Flow Tails.
Works in all shrouds up to 1/4". and 5/16"( change washer , included)
Dacron Insignia Tape
PSP Tape - Dracon Repair Patch - White
Heavy Duty Sail Repair Tape
Main Tales
Tell Tales
Tell Tails Headsail - 3 Green- 3 Red
Tell Tails - Headsail - 3 Red - 3 Green
Tell Tails - Shroud Mounting
Tell Tails - Leech - 6 Blue Tails
Kevlar Repair Tape
bungee cord with hooks